Revitalizing Workforce Opportunities among Vulnerable Urban Populations via Multiple Literacies
Session Abstract
Bridging the opportunity gap among vulnerable urban populations is critical to creating a competitive 21st Century U.S. workforce. The purpose of this session is to describe a work readiness program which uses a multiple/digital literacy approach for engaging urban adults to explore career pathways and successful employment.
Target Audience
ABE, Adult Educators, Workforce Development Specialists, Literacy Instructors, Employers
Session Description
Bridging the opportunity gap among vulnerable urban populations is critical to creating a competitive 21st Century U.S. Workforce, as well as, a major goal of the Workforce Investment Opportunities Act. Since vulnerable populations often face multiple barriers to success in education and employment, they are often reluctant participants in workforce development and training programs. In order to be effective, adult education and training programs must be cognizant of the differences in learner needs, cultures and experiences, and the concurrent effects of each on learning outcomes and personal development. The purpose of this session is to describe a work readiness program which is based on andragogy and uses a multiple/digital literacy approach for engaging urban adults to explore career pathways through self-directed learning experiences.