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2016 Annual Conference

November 7–11, 2016

Albuquerque, NM

Defensible Deceptions, Forgivable Infringements and Condonable Heresies: Transgressive Practices to Achieve Sustainable Development

Friday, November 11, 2016 at 9:15 AM–10:00 AM MST
Fiesta 1 (24)
Session Abstract

In 2015, the United Nations released "Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development." Adult learning and education will play vital roles in achieving the ambitious goals embedded in this document, but meaningful impact is not likely unless we employ transgressive practices which are antithetical to conventional wisdom.

Target Audience

This session will be of interest to those concerned with the role of adult learning and education in achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Instructors, activists, planners and administrators who are anxious about the state of the world and discouraged by timid institutional responses to emerging crises will find this session of interest.

Session Description

Although a great deal of progress was made globally in responding to the UN's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the target date of 2015, urgent educational responses are required to address the recently-released Sustainable Development Goals if we are to avoid global crises. This session will challenge adult educators to consider how many current "best practices" may constrain efforts to effectively address emerging crises and how more radical "transgressive practices" may be necessary to develop effective responses. Also to be discussed are the moral justifications for the deceptions, infringements and heresies that may be necessary if adult educators are to step up and accept responsibility for contributing to solutions to these global challenges.

Primary Presenter

Dr. Thomas J. Sork, PhD, University of British Columbia

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order
