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2016 Annual Conference

del 7 al 11 de November del 2016

Albuquerque, NM

Flipped Learning in Higher Education: A Case Study of the Lived Experiences of Nursing Faculty and Students

jueves, el 10 de noviembre de 2016 a las 10:15–12:30 MST
Pavilion III (180)
Session Abstract

Though several studies have revealed an increase in student performance in the flipped learning environment, there is limited empirical research on the phenomenon in higher education; especially within the discipline of nursing (Roach, 2014). In addition, empirical research is limited on the learning experiences of students and teaching experiences of faculty in the flipped learning environment. This study added to the existing empirical research on the instructional approach by obtaining data on the lived experiences of students and faculty in the flipped learning environment; primarily focusing on the instructional approach in higher education in the discipline of nursing. The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe the lived experiences of faculty and students in the flipped learning environment. A multiple case study approach was used because the study took place at two separate institutions in the southeastern United States. Data were collected through the use of a questionnaire, focus-group interviews, semi-structured interviews, and observation. The major themes that emerged from the study was that the flipped learning environment is a student-centered learning environment that is convenient, interactive, overwhelming, difficult to adjust, and provided opportunities for students to better prepare for class. The experiences shared from this study are valuable additions to the growing body of research for faculty implementing flipped instruction. The findings suggest that the need for further research is necessary to examine the learning experiences of students with prior exposure to the instructional approach and to examine the learning experiences of students with previous education backgrounds to determine if the level of knowledge has an effect on student adjustment in the flipped classroom.

Target Audience

Faculty in higher education settings

Session Description

The session will provide attendees with findings related to the innovative instructional approach in two separate learning environments.

Primary Presenter

Katilya Harris

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order
