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2016 Annual Conference

del 7 al 11 de November del 2016

Albuquerque, NM

Teaching in a Leisure Setting: Emerging Themes

miércoles, el 9 de noviembre de 2016 a las 10:30–11:15 MST
Pavilion VI (375)
Session Abstract

If anyone can become a teacher, who does? Many leisure/hobby communities do not certify teachers, so there is neither a barrier to entry nor a stepping stone for new teachers. This roundtable will explore emerging themes from a study of quiltmaking teachers and discuss the implications for practice.

Target Audience

Individuals teach in lifelong learning settings; individuals who manage lifelong learning programs; individuals who administer teaching certification programs; individuals who participate in hobby communities.

Session Description

The session will explore the emerging themes from a study of quiltmaking teachers. In this leisure/hobby community, there is no overarching certification for teachers. Therefore, there is neither a barrier to entry nor a stepping stone for emerging teachers. In theory, anyone can become a quiltmaking teacher. However, is this really the case? This session will examine how individuals in this particular community have developed as teachers in order to examine how accessible teaching in a nonformal environment is to interested individuals and explore ways of expanding the teaching pool.

Primary Presenter

Rhonda R. Newton, Penn State University

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order
