Developing Student Leadership Capacity
Session Abstract
The purpose of the roundtable will be to identify and discuss student focused capacity building programs that develop leadership skills. The concept of leadership has changed over the past couple of decades to be more focused on process and service-orientations. Plan for discussion of some of the best practices.
Target Audience
Educators that work in post-secondary, community college, or student leadership programs.
Session Description
The purpose of the roundtable will be to identify and discuss student focused capacity building programs that develop leadership skills. The concept of leadership has changed over the past couple of decades to be more focused on process and service-orientations. Relationships and collaboration matter more than just being a member of an organization. The revived focus in student leadership programs may be due to an interest in cultivating citizenship within our students and encouraging individuals to take on leadership roles. Student leadership programs are found within educational institutions and they will continue to be altered in order to incorporate emerging leadership concepts. This roundtable will discuss the changing leadership variables that are affecting our students.