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2016 Annual Conference

November 7–11, 2016

Albuquerque, NM

Tips for Transformative Leaders: Using Action Learning to Boost Follower Efficacy

Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 2:15 PM–3:00 PM MST
Fiesta 3 (24)
Session Abstract

Transformational leaders are regarded as such because of their ability to impact the trajectory of their followers. When done effectively, followers develop a greater sense of self efficacy. A tried and true method for boosting follower efficacy is to engage them in action learning opportunities.

Target Audience

This session is best suited to faculty who develop and/or teach in leadership programs. It is also suited to faculty who teach team-centered courses. Finally, it is suited to corporate trainers engaged in the development of high potential contributors.

Session Description

Attendees will revisit the basics of transformational leadership, follower efficacy, and action learning to glean foundation background for the three constructs. Attendees will then be introduced to two case. The first features the Maymester project in which students studied business and historical elements of Peru and then contributed at an archaeological site in Miraflores (Peru). The second case study involved a large US-based corporation and a team of employees engaged in the Emerging Leader program. In this study, employees worked on a real-world issue involved loss of market share for US poultry suppliers in Moscow (Russia).

Primary Presenter

Dr Kristin Tardiff, EdD, UAFS

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order

Dr Kim A Gordon, SPHR, SCP, University of Arkansas - Fort Smith