This section lists poster sessions as well as concurrent sessions by day, time, and room. Concurrent sessions have multiple presentations. You may search by title, author names, or keyword. A Schedule-at-a-Glance is posted on the Website and will provide the overview. This is the detail.
How Information Networks Affect Employee Participation In Occupational Pension Plans: An Empirical Analysis For Germany
Major Area of Focus
Financial Services
Secondary area of focus
Financial Services
Short Abstract
Availability of appropriate information is an important issue if contracts on pension products are concerned and should in the optimal case be offered by the most competent contact person. More high quality information should increase individual participation in occupational pension plans which currently have low participation rates. Multiple searches for information increase individual participation in occupational pension programs. This paper finds that employees perform multiple searches on pensions. This habit also increases the probability of an individual participating in an occupational pension. Using a representative dataset, we empirically investigate the determinants of these searches with respect to information about occupational pensions. We find that transaction costs, provision of information by the employer, and quality of the intermediary increase willingness to participate in a network and also increase individual pension plan coverage.
Corresponding Author
![Prof. Kathrin Johansen, University of Rostock [photo]](
Prof. Kathrin Johansen, University of Rostock
Job Title
City & State (or Province & Country)
Rsotock & Germany