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Sixth International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education: Connecting Research and Practice Across Contexts

del 20 al 22 de October del 2016

Hyatt Regency Hotel, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Scaffolded Workshop: Teacher Swap Shop Lesson, 3-Secondary

viernes, el 21 de octubre de 2016 a las 11:15–12:15 CDT
Lake Nokomis
Session Type

Discussion Session (1 hour)

Immersion/Partner Language(s)

Spanish, multiple

Context/program model

Two-Way Bilingual Immersion

Middle School/Junior High
High School
Program Summary

This is a multi-purpose activity with different activities displayed on the same time for students in groups 3-6. The multiple activities scaffold different sets of goals from a reading and a writing perspective. The activity covers a wide range of proficiency levels. Currently I implement it through a semester 2 days x 20 minutes each week with my 9th graders.

Lead Presenter/organizer

Pedro Lopez-Chaves, Chief Sealth IHS @ Seattle Public Schools


State (in US) or Country


