Formal and Informal Mentoring Applications in Multiple Contexts
Session Abstract
In this session, we will summarize and share applications of formal and informal mentoring strategies in Education, Business, and Healthcare as outlined in a recently released book entitled, Mentoring in Formal and Informal Contexts. Limit: 50 words – ours is 34
Target Audience
This session will be useful for Program Managers, Teachers, Teacher Leaders, Trainers, and others who are involved in skill, professional, and career development.
Session Description
We will begin by opening a discussion on the value and importance of mentoring for skill, personal, and career development. Participants will be asked to share experiences they have had with mentoring either as a mentor or a protégée. Participants will then have an opportunity to discuss the pros and cons of the mentoring experiences they shared. Once participants share their feelings and beliefs about why mentoring is important to them, we will introduce them to some of the strategies that authors outlined in the book. Participants will then, in small groups, be provided with short cases that they will read and discuss with an eye towards deciding on a course of mentoring action and will be encouraged to connect one or more mentoring approaches they feel would be important in their own context.