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Sixth International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education: Connecting Research and Practice Across Contexts

del 20 al 22 de October del 2016

Hyatt Regency Hotel, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Pre-Conference Workshop: Motivating Students to Write Through Digital Writing

jueves, el 20 de octubre de 2016 a las 09:00–11:30 CDT
Greenway Ballroom H
Session Type

Paper/Best Practice Session (1 hour)

Program Summary

Leverage the power of digital tools to improve students' writing! Through digital writing, immersion and dual language students can reach an authentic worldwide audience, motivating them to become better writers. Learn how to structure an immersion-friendly digital writer's workshop and see examples of students' digital writing using various tools.

Lead Presenter/organizer

Isabelle Punchard, Edina Public Schools

K-5 Curriculum Coordinator

State (in US) or Country



Materiales de la sesión
