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Sixth International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education: Connecting Research and Practice Across Contexts

del 20 al 22 de October del 2016

Hyatt Regency Hotel, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Pre-Conference Workshop: Cultivating Cultural Identity within Hawaiian Medium Education

jueves, el 20 de octubre de 2016 a las 13:30–16:00 CDT
Lake Minnetonka
Session Type

Paper/Best Practice Session (1 hour)

Program Summary

This workshop will focus on the integration of Hawaiian language and culture into distinct practices and protocols within Hawaiian medium education. Experiential learning through culture-based pedagogy will be highlighted as a means to foster a strong sense of cultural identity. Participants will consider the relevancy of concepts and practices to their particular immersion contexts as well as engage in hands-on cultural activities.

Lead Presenter/organizer

Makalapua Alencastre, University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo

Director of Kahuawaiola Indigenous Teacher Education

State (in US) or Country


Kalehua Krug, Hawaii Department of Education, Office of Hawaiian Education, Hawaiian Language Immersion Education

Education Specialist

State (in US) or Country


