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Sixth International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education: Connecting Research and Practice Across Contexts

del 20 al 22 de October del 2016

Hyatt Regency Hotel, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Pre-Conference Workshop: Supporting At‐Risk Second Language Readers

jueves, el 20 de octubre de 2016 a las 13:30–16:00 CDT
Lake Nokomis
Session Type

Paper/Best Practice Session (1 hour)

Program Summary

This session focuses on supporting second language learners at risk for reading difficulties. We explore factors that impact the identification of at-risk readers and ways to better identify them. We also examine the reading development of at-risk and typically developing L2 readers and differentiated reading instruction practices that help support a wide range of readers.

Lead Presenter/organizer

Renée Bourgoin, University of New Brunswick

Faculty Associate and Honorary Research Associate

State (in US) or Country


