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2017 Conference

del 1 al 2 de June del 2017

Framingham, MA

MATSOL 2017 Conference Program

A link for materials will show if a presenter has uploaded handouts. 

Thursday Keynote: Jeff Zwiers - Keynote presentation slides
Friday Keynote: Jean-Michel Dissard
- see I Learn America website:

Pre-Conference Institute materials will be emailed to participants.


Creating Culturally Responsive Classroom Culture and Instruction

jueves, el 1 de junio de 2017 a las 14:30–15:15 EDT
Grand North

For an English Learner, there are many other socio-cultural factors that impact a student's learning in the classroom. This session will explore what it means to be culturally responsive educators, espcially in today's politically charged nation, so that students feel affirmed in the classroom cultures we cultivate. 

Session Type

Interactive Workshop (45 minutes)

Topic Strand

Teacher Education/Professional Development

Primary Audience

General (of interest to PK-12, adult, and higher education)

Secondary Audience

High School (9-12)


Esther Jeong, Lawrence High School
Biographical Statement

Esther Jeong is the Curriculum Design Lead for the ESL intervention classes at Ninth Grade Academy at Lawrence High School. 



Materiales de la sesión
