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BC Library Conference 2017

April 19–21, 2017

Vancouver, BC

F03 - LLEAD: Managers Need Competencies, Coaching, and Coaxing

Friday, April 21, 2017 at 9:00 AM–10:15 AM PDT
Salon C
Session Description

BC’s InterLINK, a federation of BC’s lower mainland public libraries, has had the foresight to sponsor a demanding, research-based development program for those heading to senior management positions in libraries. Recognizing the importance of leadership competencies and readiness for the library sector, this program has a cross-discipline, break-down-the-silos-in-the-sector focus.
Research shows that the most valid and valued leadership development programs have clear goals, rely on a blend of immersive education, intensive coaching for both the candidates and their directors/CEOs, a year-long library system project, and monthly issue challenges. Hear how LLEAD – Library Leadership Excellence and Development – incorporates this research and the progress made by candidates in just one year.


Ken Haycock, Ken Haycock & Associates Inc.

Ken Haycock is research professor of management and organization with the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California where he develops and directs graduate programs in library and information management. He was previously director at the San Jose School of Library and Information Science, building it into the largest program in the world with four degrees and 2,800 students in the MLIS program in 14 countries and at the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies at the University of British Columbia, introducing with colleagues the joint MAS/MLIS program, First Nations concentration, MA in children's literature and PhD program. Prior to the academy, he was a member of the senior management team of the Vancouver School bBoard, responsible for curriculum and program development and implementation, curriculum resources and technologies and staff development for 7,000 employees at 115 sites.

His consultancies, as senior partner with Ken Haycock & Associates Inc., include leadership development and coaching as well as governance, organizational and program reviews. In the broader community Dr. Haycock has been a public library trustee, elected school board member and chair, elected municipal councilor and served on dozens of government and community boards as diverse as publishing, elimination of sexism, race relations and community services.

Recognized by many associations he was awarded the Queen’s Silver Jubilee Medal for contributions to society and an honorary Doctor of Letters from Capilano University. Ken holds an Ed.D. (Brigham Young), M.B.A. (Royal Roads), A.M.L.S. (Michigan), and M.Ed. (Ottawa). His research interests focus on management and leadership, role clarification and effectiveness, organizational development, advocacy and influence.

A prolific writer and speaker, Ken Haycock is a committed and passionate advocate for public education, for libraries and for librarians.

Michael Burris, Public Library InterLINK

Michael Burris is the Executive Director at Public Library InterLINK. InterLINK is a federation of 18 public libraries in Metro Vancouver, the Fraser Valley, Sunshine Coast and the Sea-to-Sky corridor. Prior to his tenure at InterLINK, Michael was the Executive Director of the British Columbia Library Association for 10 years. His other experience includes serving as Chief Librarian in Kitimat and as Public Services Librarian in Yellowknife. He holds an MLIS from the University of Alberta and a BA in American History from the University of Lethbridge.

Elizabeth Tracy, Whistler Public Library

Elizabeth Tracy a passionate leader with a clear understanding of the importance of connecting with community; a visionary with experience who can engage in the transformative process without losing sight of the now.

Andrea Freeman, Vancouver Public Library

Andrea Freeman joined Vancouver Public Library in 2016, and is responsible for system-wide planning, development, implementation and evaluation of circulation services. Prior to VPL, Andrea served in leadership roles in both public and health libraries in Metro Vancouver.
Andrea received a Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS) from the University of B.C. in 2006, and has been collecting certificates in leadership and coaching ever since. She is a current member of the inaugural Library Leaders Excellence and Development (LLEAD) program.
