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BC Library Conference 2017

April 19–21, 2017

Vancouver, BC

F06 - Making it Work: Ideology and the Infrastructure of the Library

Friday, April 21, 2017 at 10:30 AM–11:45 AM PDT
Salon D
Session Description

Generously Sponsored By: Simon Fraser University Library

Librarians build infrastructures: we design and shape spaces for inquiry; develop cataloging and classification structures that enable access to information; and organize time for reference, instruction, and programming. All of these efforts involve the production and reproduction of systems that are inevitably informed by ideology. We expect the library to be quiet or loud, our subject language to reflect settler or indigenous knowledge, and our calendars to reflect linear time. Surfacing these infrastructures enables librarians to think and act more critically as we put ourselves and our libraries to work.


Emily Drabinski, MSLIS, Long Island University

Emily Drabinski is Coordinator of Library Instruction at Long Island University, Brooklyn. She edits Gender & Sexuality in Information Studies, a book series from Library Juice Press/Litwin Books, and sits on the board of Radical Teacher, a journal of socialist, feminist, and anti-racist teaching practice.
