AESS 2017 Draft Conference Session Schedule
Beyond Environmental Justice: Engaging Minority Communities in Environmental Conservation and Activism
There has been a tendency with many U.S. - based enviromental advocacy groups to only consider engaging minority communities when the issues fall under the umbrella of "environmental injustice". Recent events with water quality issues and pipeline construction serve as examples. Is it possible that the mainstream environmental community has an overly-simplistic, monolithic view of minority communities? Is it collectively suffering from the "white savior" complex? Concurrently, donors are increasingly challenging environmental non-profits to expand diversity within their memberships and on their boards. The challenge is to engage minorities in meaningful, sustained ways beyond mere token inclusion. This proposed discussion symposium directly contributes to addressing one of the broad questions the conference seeks to address: "How can diverse audiences be engaged in understanding and addressing critical environmental issues? What case studies represent success stories or best practices with wide applicability?" Topics will be: Climate change as a moral issue, locally-grown food, participation in the "green economy", and smart growth. Each of these four topics will be explored by break-out discussion groups who will then share their findings with the plenary. Some suggested questions to focus discussion will be framed and circulated in advance of the small-group work.
Primary Contact
![Dr Robert M East, Jr, PhD, Washington & Jefferson College [photo]](