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2017 Annual Meeting

du 12 au 14 September 2017

Aurora, Colorado

The links below contained detailed information for the upcoming 2017 Safe States Alliance Annual Meeting, taking place September 12-14, 2017 in Aurora, Colorado.

Please note:

Safety Takes Synergy: Lessons & Successes from the Pedestrian Injury Prevention Action Team Program

mercredi 13 septembre 2017 à 15:00–16:15 MDT
Conference Room 6
Learning Objectives


Jamila Porter, DrPH, MPH, Safe States Alliance

Dr. Jamila Porter is the Director of Programs and Evaluation at the Safe States Alliance. Dr. Porter provides senior-level strategic leadership and management of the organization's program and evaluation initiatives, including managing cooperative agreements with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Dr. Porter created and oversaw the implementation and evaluation of the two-year Pedestrian Injury Prevention Action Team Program. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Health Policy & Administration from Wake Forest University and her Master of Public Health degree from Mercer University School of Medicine. Dr. Porter earned her Doctor of Public Health degree from The University of Georgia, where her research focused on the intersections of transportation policy, community design, pedestrian injury, and policy evaluation.


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