Tools Counselors Can Use To Support Student Success
Presenter Name(s)
Dr. Dawn Mann
Rachel McCoy
Dr. Brent Shropshire
Target Audience
Counselor Educator, Supervisor
Participants will learn about FREE tools designed for counselors by The College Board (i.e. K-12 score portal, ready-made handouts, presentations, and advisement guides). New and enhanced features of the Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy will be shared. Participants will leave with ideas for best practices to work smarter, not harder and a toolkit for implementing these resources in their schools or districts.
The College Board provides free resources and tools for school counselors to support student success. Former and current school counselors who have utilized these resources will share best practices to work smarter, not harder.
Participants will become aware of the resources available, gain knowledge on how to access and best utilize the following tools to promote college readiness: K-12 score portal, ready- made handouts/presentations, advisement guides; and the new and enhanced features of the Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy.
Best practices will include an interactive demonstration on how to use the K-12 portal to identify students for further interventions (i.e. candidates for an SAT Prep Class, or PSAT interventions with targeted sub-groups); connecting students to Khan Academy for personalized practice; and a discussion on how to use the ready-made handouts, presentations and advisement guides. There will be opportunities throughout the session for attendees to share best practices and tips to avoid pitfalls.
Sharing these free resources will arm counselors with the tools needed to support student success. Counselors will walk away with information and materials they can use to implement in their schools without having to re-invent the wheel.