Getting the Most Out of Your Pre/Post Surveys
Presenter Name(s)
Shellie Marino
Target Audience
Counselor Educator, Supervisor
You have planned and prepared a school counseling curriculum focused lesson or activity for your students. But how will you know if the lesson was a success? Pre and Post Surveys are commonly used by school counselors to collect perception data to determine if students acquired the attitude, knowledge and skills being targeted. However depending on the type of questions being used on a pre/post survey and how they are presented may not end up collecting the information you intended. Do your pre/post surveys fully or accurately reflect student growth or the effectiveness of an activity? Come expand your knowledge and skills on pre/post survey writing and learn how to increase the reliability of the measurement tools you are using to collect accurate perception data as well as how to calculate and analyze the results.
School counselors frequently utilize pre/post siurveys to colect perception data, however often times the survey is not a reliable interusment for collecting the information the school counselor is seeking. Surveys are often poorly planned, poorly written, and/or there is not a clear understanding of what to do with the data once it is collected. In this session, attendees will understand the process invovled in pre/post survey pre-planning, writing and framing quality survey questions and items, variations of survey measurement methods and how to calculate and interpret the results.
This session is to provide school counselors with the knowledge and skills to create more reliable and accurate pre/post survey measurement tools for the collection of perception data.