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2017 Annual Conference

du 8 au 10 November 2017

Jekyll Island Convention Center, Jekyll Island, GA

Making MOWR Manageable

jeudi 9 novembre 2017 à 13:30–14:45 EST
Meeting Room 10
Presenter Name(s)

Molly Ream
Jamie Hamrick

Target Audience



Do you struggle with your role as the counselor of MOWR students?  Come discuss Best Practices to get our students into MOWR programs yet keep our sanity at the same time.  We will share forms, processes, and presentations on how to better serve your MOWR students and save yourself some time.


These past few years have brought big changes to the Move on When Ready program in Georgia and not everyone is aware of them.

Some schools promote MOWR and some schools dissuade involvement.  Why the difference? 

What type of student is successful in MOWR? 

How do we, as counselors, best advise and monitor these students along with the rest of our caseload?

These are the questions we would like to address in this workshop.

 We hope to see those counselors who work with MOWR students the most at their school and will encourage a sharing of best practices by all.

High school counselors will be our target audience, but middle school counselors are welcome!



Molly Ream, M.Ed, LPC, GSCA
Jamie P. Hamrick, EdS, Alan C. Pope High School, Marietta, GA
Chargement en cours …