Best Practices for Training and Supporting School Counselor Interns
Presenter Name(s)
Gizani Netherland-Maxie, Professional School Counselor
Shamira Pierson-Porter, Professional School Counselor
Emily Flaaen, Professional School Counselor
Monica Garcia, Professional School Counselor
Target Audience
Counselor Educator, Supervisor
Training school counselor interns is a huge commitment. Professional school counselors, school counseling interns, and graduate students, are encouraged to colloborate during this session. Topics of discussion will center around best practices for school counselor supervisors to provide training and support of school counseling interns so that they eventually become professional school counselors that promote comprehensive school counseling programs.
This session intends to allow dialogue that will help to create a positive experience for both the supervisor as well as the school counseling intern, by identfying best practices in those perspective roles. A tip sheet will be provided from both the supervisor and counseling intern perspectives. Resources to be shared that will help "break the ice" and begin to foster a trusting relationship between supervisor and intern.