The New Face of Gender
Presenter Name(s)
Brent Henderson, Ed.S., NCC, NCSC
Amy Shipp, LCSW
Beck Schillizzi, B.A.
Target Audience
Counselor Educator, Supervisor
Do you have the skills it takes to work with transgender youth in your school? This interactive presentation will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to support and advocate for this vulnerable population. Through videos, activities, and discussion of personal experiences, you will learn to use transgender affirmative language, increase your understanding of gender identity and expression, identify the impact of discrimination on the wellbeing of transgender students, and promote transgender student success.
This interactive presentation will equip conference attendees with the knowledge and confidence to support and advocate for transgender and/or gender nonconforming youth. The presenters will utilize videos, activities and personal experiences to engage the audience in an informative and thought-provoking discussion of how to best serve these vulnerable youth in their schools.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn to use transgender affirmative language.
- Increase understanding of gender identity and expression.
- Identify the impact of stigma, prejudice, violence and discrimination on the health and well-being of transgender students.
- Promote transgender student success.
- Copy of PowerPoint Presentation
- Glossary of Relevant Terms
- Multiple Handouts from Trans Student Educational Resources
- List of State and National Resources
Opportunities for Audience Participation:
- Experiential Activity
- Guided Discussion of Video Clip
Q&A Throughout the Presentation