Twitter: Connecting Counselors #OneHashtagAtATime
Presenter Name(s)
Laura Ross
Nicohl Shelton Webb
Target Audience
Counselor Educator, Supervisor
Twitter conjures up the worst of the internet: disjointed, meaningless phrases, unrecognizable abbreviations, mean tweets, and endless drivel about what someone is wearing. So, why Tweet? School counselors can use Twitter to create a Professional Learning Network (PLN) to connect them with counselors from all over the world. Download the twitter app and learn Twitter basics, what Twitter has to offer school counselors, who to connect with, and experience a mini twitter chat. Get ready to learn Twitter #OneHashtagAtATime!
Twitter chats are a vital part of professional growth. This is where personalizing professional development through social media comes into focus. Here, individuals can share ideas, links to resources or inspirational quotes. Chats can also be the starting point for collaboration sessions with other educators.
At the end of this session, participants should be able to:
- understand the basics of Twitter
- recognize the benefits of building a Professional Learning Network (PLN) as a school counselor
- begin building their own PLN
- understand how to participate in a twitter chat..
- learn how to set up a Twitter account
- find people to follow
- learn about Twitter abbreviations and lingo
- participate in a live twitter chat at the end of the session (Please note: You must have at least 10 followers on Twitter before you can take part in Twitter chats. This is a way that Twitter protects against spam.)
Handouts will be minimal, but participants will be given a QR code with a link to a list of Twitter chats, including a manual for educators on how to grow their PLN and a Twitter cheat sheet will be given.