Using Games to Teach Social Skills
Presenter Name(s)
Alexandra Huguelet & Danielle Mabeus
Target Audience
Are you looking for a creative way to reach your early elementary school students? Using games is an engaging way to teach students the skills necessary for social school success. From taking turns, to not interrupting, to handling disappointment and challenges, these basic skills are integral to school success and can be taught through games with excitement and ease. A small group guide will be presented along with perception and outcome data.
- Attendees will leave the session having learned about creative, game-based interventions to take back to their schools. They will gain the knowledge and confidence to try new interventions with their students. Attendees will have the opportunity for participation in the form of Q and A and also, time permitting, to play some of the games themselves. The presentation with information about the small group intervention in addition to other useful games will be provided to attendees.