Self-Reporting Scores and Grades: Better for Colleges, Better for Students
lundi 16 avril 2018 à 15:20–16:20 CDT
Studio 7 (80)
Session Description
Should you join the growing movement allowing applicants to self-report standardized test scores during the early phases of the application process? Hear from a diverse group of colleges that made the move and can share best practices. We'll also explore how self-reporting removes barriers for low-income students and helps counselors.
Intended Audience
Head Presenter
Rebecca Rutsky, Alabama School of Fine Arts
Head Presenter: State
Additional Presenters
Mary Tipton Woolley, Georgia Institute of Technology
Presenter Information: State
Jamal Gaddis , Washington University in St Louis
Presenter Information: State
Jordan A Crenshaw, Birmingham Southern College
Presenter Information: State