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2018 Transformative Learning Conference

March 8–9, 2018

Oklahoma City, OK


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Improving Reflection One Student at a Time

Friday, March 9, 2018 at 11:30 AM–12:00 PM CST

During this Roundtable Discussion, the leader will provide some of his reflective tools that utilizes on a regular basis. Participants will be able to share their own reflective tools for the benefit of all participants. The first outcome will be the opportunity to share success stories. The second outcome will be the opportunity to learn new tools for reflection.


Reflection has become much more than a buzzword. It is a practice that can be straightforward, as well as nuanced. One such technique is the Six Word Memoir, asking participants to summarize a subject in six words. This technique has been utilized in my Adolescent Psychology and Developmental Psychology courses for the past four semesters, with excellent feedback from students on its efficacy. Another reflection technique I have utilized is ABC Reflections; students are asked to find three concepts from a chapter, define them, reflect on their use in education, and reflect on their existence in their own lives. These are two of a wide variety of techniques that educators employ shoe encourage students to examine and re-examine their learning. This Roundtable will provide an opportunity for participants to share their reflective tools and their accompanying success stories.


Format of Presentation

30-Minute Roundtable Session

Conference Thread(s)

Critically Reflecting in Transformative Learning

Primary Presenter

Mark D Maddy, University of Central Oklahoma

Secondary Presenters
