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2018 Transformative Learning Conference

du 8 au 9 March 2018

Oklahoma City, OK


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Personalizing a Transformative Learning Experience through Student Organizational Leadership

vendredi 9 mars 2018 à 15:30–16:00 CST
Everest B

This thirty-minute session will focus on communicating a transformative learning experience through a scenario that involves a student organizational leader working through Jack Mezirow’s ten-step transformative learning theory. The goal of the session is to provide participants with examples of each step in order to personalize the theory in a way that is clear, concise, and relatable. The session will incorporate role play in order for participants to be able to create their interpretations of the theory that will allow critical reflection through communicating a transformative learning experience.


A transformative learning experience can be defined by a change in behavior as a result of a disorienting dilemma. “When circumstances permit, transformative learners move toward a frame of reference that is more inclusive, discriminating, self-reflective, and integrative of experience (Mezirow 1997).” Transformative learning as a process is often personal to the learner, meaning the change occurs within oneself. An important aspect of adult education is learning to make our interpretations rather than simply acting on known beliefs and feelings of others (Mezirow 1997). Jack Mezirow’s ten-step process of transformational change is a guide to explain the personal journey through the development of the mind.


Mezirow, J. (1997). Transformative learning: Theory to practice. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, (74), 5-12. doi:10.1002/ace.7401

Format of Presentation

30-Minute Roundtable Session

Conference Thread(s)

Communicating Transformative Learning

Primary Presenter

Jesse R Andrews, University of Central Oklahoma

Secondary Presenters

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