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2018 Transformative Learning Conference

March 8–9, 2018

Oklahoma City, OK


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ICTs and Competency-Based Higher Education

Friday, March 9, 2018 at 3:30 PM–4:00 PM CST
Young Ballroom C

Participants will reflect on the importance of competency-based higher education as a model to educate citizens committed to the sustainable development of our planet.

Participants will understand the importance of the integration of new technologies into the competency-based model in higher education.

From the presentation of the case “Integration of New Technologies at Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) based on the Experience of Students in the Educational and Pedagogical Management Program,” participants will have access to good practices carried out at UPC to integrate ICTs in the teaching-learning processes.


This presentation aims to determine a correlation between an integral education, human perfection, the conformation of common good-oriented societies, and the competency-based model in higher education supported by the integration of new technologies to facilitate learning in the classrooms.

A first reflection on the 17 sustainable development objectives promoted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will be presented and a correlation with the competencies that 21st-century citizens must have to attend the needs of their environment will be established.

The second part seeks to address the university’s role in the 21st citizen education and how the competency-based teaching approach supported by the integration of technologies allows people to achieve the learning objectives proposed.

Finally, another case will be presented: “Integration of New Technologies at Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) based on the Experience of Students in the Educational and Pedagogical Management Program.”


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Format of Presentation

30-Minute Roundtable Session

Conference Thread(s)

Critically Reflecting in Transformative Learning

Primary Presenter

Manuel Rodriguez Villegas, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Peru)

Secondary Presenters
