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2018 Transformative Learning Conference

March 8–9, 2018

Oklahoma City, OK


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Nurse Educators Teaching Through the Lens of Transformative Learning: A Case Study

Friday, March 9, 2018 at 10:55 AM–11:25 AM CST
Young Ballroom E

The primary goal of this presentation is to report the findings of the dissertation research - Nurse educators teaching through the lens of transformative learning: A case study. Although the qualitative study focused on nurse educators from an accredited nursing program in the United States, all educators seeking to enhance student engagement and deep learning in the classroom can benefit from the presentation. Another goal of the presentation is to engage participants in small group reflection and discussion about their progression as educators, bringing back to the larger group their insights about active learning and teaching practices.

The themes of the research that will be shared in the presentation match nicely with the threads of the Transformative Learning Conference: 1) Stepping off the stage – how educators transform from passive instruction to active engagement; 2) Teaching outside of the box – how educators create innovative, transformative activities; 3) Finding the balance – how educators find the right mix of engagement activities and knowledge transfer; 4) Who’s in charge? – how educators achieve student buy-in by taking the mystery out of deep learning; and 5) Seeing is believing – how educators help other educators discover the gifts of transformative learning.


The goal of this presentation is to report the findings of dissertation research on transformative learning in nursing education. In September 2017 data was collected at an accredited nursing program in the United States to explore the holistic experiences nurse educators had when teaching through the lens of transformative learning. This qualitative case study included face-to-face interviews with ten nurse educators and three program managers, six classroom observations, qualitative surveys of 97 students, and records review over a one week period.

The central research question of the research was: What are the holistic experiences nurse educators have when teaching through the lens of transformative learning theory with undergraduate nursing students? The purpose of the research was to add to the body of knowledge in the nurse education specialty. Prior to this study, there was a gap in the literature on nurse educators’ perspectives of the impact transformative learning strategies have on student outcomes. The nursing literature has provided clear evidence on the need for research about innovative teaching strategies to help foster reform in nursing education.

The findings from the study reflect the conference threads of communicating transformative learning, critical reflection of transformative learning, and launching of transformative learning. The themes from the research that will be shared in the presentation include: 1) Stepping off the stage – how nurse educators transform from passive instruction to active engagement; 2) Teaching outside of the box – how nurse educators create innovative transformative activities; 3) Finding the balance – how nurse educators find the right mix of engagement activities and knowledge transfer; 4) Who’s in charge? – how nurse educators achieve student buy-in by taking the mystery out of deep learning; and 5) Seeing is believing – how nurse educators help other educators discover the gifts of transformative learning.

Although this research focused on nursing education, all higher education instructors seeking innovative strategies in the classroom can benefit from the results of the study. Participants of the presentation will be invited to interact with brief small group reflection and discussion about one aspect of the findings. Participants will be asked to consider their progression in education and the one main event in their career that helped them develop a more active learning approach with their students. This reflection will be brought back to the larger group to help enhance the insights gained from the researcher’s discoveries. Time will also be provided at the close of the presentation for participants to ask questions of the researcher.


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Format of Presentation

30-Minute Roundtable Session

Conference Thread(s)

Communicating Transformative Learning

Primary Presenter

Ronald Oscar Bernard, University of South Florida; Capella University

Secondary Presenters
