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Interdisciplinary SoTL Scholar Research
Friday, March 9, 2018 at 11:30 AM–12:00 PM CST
Everest B
This interdisciplinary round table discussion features SoTL Scholar members, who will share how they became teacher-scholars and their current research studies. The presenters include Dr. Marty Ludlum, Textbook Uses of College Students: Myth and Reality; Dr. Linda Harris, Teacher Professional Identity Development Through Campus Leadership; Sam Ladwig, Innovation and Inquiry: Challenging assumptions and encouraging wild ideas; and Dr. Jill Lambeth, Service Learning Experiences in the Online Learning Environment.
SoTL scholars will share their research.
Bishop-Clark, B.,& Dietz-Uhler. (2012). Engaging in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Stylus Pub.
Format of Presentation
30-Minute Roundtable Session
Conference Thread(s)
Measuring Transformative Learning