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2018 Transformative Learning Conference

du 8 au 9 March 2018

Oklahoma City, OK


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STLR Institute: Measuring Beyond-Disciplinary Learning Inside and Outside of the Classroom

mercredi 7 mars 2018 à 13:00–17:00 CST
UCO, Nigh Univ. Center

Drawing upon evidence-based research, High-Impact Practices (HIPs), Transformative Learning, and authentic assessment tools, the University of Central Oklahoma’s Student Transformative Learning Record (STLR,* is a non-proprietary model with a proven track record for increasing retention, student academic achievement, and workforce readiness. Other institutions that have adopted and adapted STLR to their missions, cultures, and specific needs are now finding this to be true for them, too, whether they call the process “STLR” on their campuses or name the process something more suited to their branding. This pre-conference institute will gather interested institutional teams to learn about the STLR initiative.


The Institute is a workshop-style format, with hands-on, interactive components, case scenarios, and group work time.

CETTL and STLR facilitators will cover:

  • the STLR framework of operationalizing Transformative Learning on a campus-wide scale using a collaborative, cross-campus, silo-breaking model;
  • how UCO measures and assesses student development of beyond-disciplinary skills and experience in both the curriculum and co-curriculum, with faculty and staff all using the same rubrics, which are based on the Association of American Colleges & University’s development of the VALUE rubrics (Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education) as part of the LEAP (Liberal Education and America’s Promise) Program for preparing students with an “education for a world of unscripted problems (AAC&U, 2017)”;
  • how the STLR tracking system works, including a Learning Management System (D2L) demonstration;
  • the resulting STLR Snapshot and ePortfolio;
  • how STLR built faculty buy-in and trained faculty and staff side-by-side;
  • the importance of building well-written student critical reflection prompts that help students integrate and articulate their learning for future interviews, jobs, graduate schools, the community, and family (i.e., for “life”);
  • impressive retention and achievement data results through 3+ years of STLR implementation; and,
  • insights gained/lessons learned.

Institutional team time will be built into the Institute program to allow participants to conceptualize a plan of implementation or framework at their home institutions.

Teams will be able to consult with Institute facilitators about their plans or models during team time. In addition to STLR Institute staff, UCO STLR faculty, Student Affairs staff, and IT staff will be available for answering questions or suggestions (such as how to get faculty or administrative buy-in; how co-curricular groups, events, and projects work within the framework and document the learning; how the program works in the LMS behind the scenes; etc.)

Attendees will present their plans for implementation, or next steps, during the 2018 Transformative Learning Conference, March 8-9 in Oklahoma City, OK.



Format of Presentation


Conference Thread(s)

Communicating Transformative Learning

Primary Presenter

Jeff King, University of Central Oklahoma

Secondary Presenters

Arthur Salido, Western Carolina University
Sarah Leberman, Massey University
Marti Newbold, Western Carolina University
Camille Kilbourne, University of Central Oklahoma
Mark Walvoord, University of Central Oklahoma
Brenton Wimmer, University of Central Oklahoma
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