A Tale of Two Campuses: Experiences of Two Alma-Primo Implementations
Product or Program Track
Session Description
There was an opportunity for a do-over, what did it fare? Two campuses at University of Massachusetts implemented Alma-Primo five years apart, one at UMass Dartmouth in 2012 as one of the Alma early adopters and the other at UMass Boston in 2017. This presentation will summarize and compare the two projects of migrating from Voyager to Alma-Primo and how the migration processes have evolved between the two implementations. Although we were able to leverage the first implementation experience, there were new challenges with respect to IT infrastructure, budget constraint, staffing and logistics, interaction with Ex Libris and so on. Come and hear how we maneuver these challenges and make both implementations successful from the perspective of a two-time implementation manager.
Target Audience Skill Level