Ready, Set, Go: Preparing for a Successful ERM Migration
Product or Program Track
Session Description
The California State University is a consortium representing 23 campuses that went live on Alma in June 2017. This presentation shares the steps we took for a successful migration of our electronic resources. While the focus is on a consortium that used several different electronic resources management systems, many of the topics covered are also relevant for standalone libraries. We'll provide you with pre- and post-ERM checklists to help navigate the transition from your ILS to Alma. We'll discuss the advantages of having a task force and policies to provide oversight and guidance in decision making. We’ll help you prepare for the P2E List, develop search queries specific to ERM, and we’ll talk about link resolver migration issues, whether SFX, Serials Solutions or others. We’ll touch on what's involved with setting up Google Scholar, Integration Profiles, and General Electronic Services. We'll leave you with lessons learned, practical ideas and action items for your migration.
Target Audience Skill Level