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2018 Conference

del 29 de May al 1 de June del 2018

Sheraton Framingham Hotel & Conference Center, Framingham, MA

MATSOL 2018 Conference Program

May 29 - June 1, 2018
Sheraton Framingham Hotel & Conference Center

Please note: MATSOL reserves the right to make changes to the conference program if necessary.


Critical Thinking with ELLs in the Common Core Classroom

miércoles, el 30 de mayo de 2018 a las 09:30–10:15 EDT
LL4: Concord
Session Abstract

Feeling pressure to teach those ever important critical thinking skills? Unsure how that even looks when working with so many English proficiency levels? This session will explore several easy instructional tweaks to incorporate critical thinking into the classroom.

Session Type

Practice-Oriented Presentation (45 minutes)

Topic Strand

Promising Practices in Instruction

Context (primary)

General PK-12

Context (Secondary)

General (all contexts)


Tyler Ramey, ESL Teacher Fall River Public Schools
Email Address

