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2018 Conference

del 20 al 23 de June del 2018

Washington, DC

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Creating Student Spaces with a Purpose: Connecting Beyond the Classroom

jueves, el 21 de junio de 2018 a las 12:15–13:45 EDT
Type of Session

Mealtime Roundtable


Given the recent political climate in the United States and its effects on the lives of college students from all backgrounds, student centered spaces are more crucial than ever for student solidarity to grow beyond the classroom. Especially within environmental departments that have historically separated the political from the science, and have yet to encourage conversations around race, gender, disability, and the connections these identities have to environmental issues. Students from Huxley College of the Environment at Western Washington University are asking for a student space within the department to nurture conversations focused on environmental justice and identity politics. Because of our current education system, notably within the sciences, there is not enough time and space given in the classroom for relationships to build among students and allow for the sharing of personal experiences tied to environmental injustices. By designating a space for students to connect beyond an academic level and create space for justice oriented conversations, a new identity can be created for students attending the university and for the department. This new identity is rooted on social justice and acknowledging that environmental concerns go beyond the curriculum and they are connected to political and personal identities. In this discussion, we would like to facilitate a conversation surrounding students needs for spaces to organize and share experiences regarding environmental justice issues, along with listening to participants share about existing student spaces or efforts being made to implement student spaces centering environmental justice across the country.

Primary Contact

Dario Castellon, Western Washington University



Chair, Facilitator, Or Moderators

Dario Castellon, Western Washington University


Dario Castellon, Western Washington University

Workshop Leaders
