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Violence in a Hyper-Extractive Age
Type of Session
Full Presentation Panel
This discussion symposium will focus on the velocity and nature of the violence that is a particular trait of the current "Hyper-extractive Age." Participants in the roundtable have been collaborating for the past year on development of a research plan and a series of outputs including an expected special issue. The roundtable will serve as a midstream check-in for the project, to allow discussion of three significant and inter–linked questions:
1. What distinguishes this age as a Hyper-extractive Age, given that there is a significant historical legacy of extraction bound up with the history of capitalism, globalization, and colonialism?
2. Why do particular forms of violence appear to be inherent to an Extractive Age?
3. In what ways do different social groupings respond to, or think beyond, extractive violence given that it appears so fundamental to the dynamics of the age?
The distinct contributions of the roundtable will include its truly global focus and emphasis on an understanding of extractive processes that moves past a narrow emphasis on the extraction of ores, fossil fuels, timber, and other commodities; and its teasing out of the specific expressions of violence that result.