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2018 Conference

June 20–23, 2018

Washington, DC

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Ten Years of National Surveys on Climate Change and Energy Policy

Saturday, June 23, 2018 at 11:00 AM–12:30 PM EDT
DMTI 116
Type of Session

Full Presentation Panel


Much has changed on the energy policy landscape in the last decade, from the defeat of the Waxman-Markey bill, to the rise of a suite of carbon-focused policies under President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency, to President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement.  But how have public attitudes about climate change and energy policy changed over that time?  Since 2008, the University of Michigan and Muhlenberg College have conducted the National Surveys on Energy and Environment (NSEE), a biannual national opinion survey on energy and climate policy.  To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the survey, we are pulling together a series of reports highlighting the breadth of topics covered in the survey, as well as making all data from the survey publicly accessible.  In this session, we’ll present time-series data about how attitudes about energy policy and climate change have changed over that time period, and provide attendees with information about how they can freely access this survey data for their own research or teaching.

Primary Contact

Sarah Mills, PhD, University of Michigan


Barry Rabe, University of Michigan
Dr. Christopher Borick, PhD, Muhlenberg Institute of Public Opinion, Muhlenberg College
Sarah Mills, PhD, University of Michigan
Natalie Fitzpatrick, University of Michigan


Chair, Facilitator, Or Moderators

Sarah Mills, PhD, University of Michigan


Workshop Leaders
