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2018 Conference

June 20–23, 2018

Washington, DC

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The Green Amendment -- Empowering Young People to Use Science, the Law & Advocacy to Save The World

Saturday, June 23, 2018 at 9:00 AM–10:30 AM EDT
SIS 102
Type of Session

Full Presentation Panel


This panel presentation will encourage inclusion of/consideration of a new approach for environmental protection in environmental studies classes -- an approach that relies on passage of constitutional environmental rights amendments (Green Amendments) at the state and federal level.  Success in securing and fully implementing Green Amendments will require an interdisciplinary approach including science, advocacy, the law and community engagement if it is to achieve full success.  The goal of this session, led by an environmental activist/attorney in partnership with a high school teacher, is to inspire integration of the Green Amendment concept into the class room and to help students understand their role in advancing this approach for more effective environmental protection. 


Primary Contact

Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper, Delaware Riverkeeper Network


David Wood, Radnor Township High School
Maya van Rossum, Delaware Riverkeeper Network


Chair, Facilitator, Or Moderators


Workshop Leaders
