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2018 Gender Odyssey

del 21 al 24 de June del 2018

Los Angeles, California

Trans Positivity: Changing the Conversation from Surviving to Thriving

viernes, el 22 de junio de 2018 a las 08:00–09:20 PDT
Workshop Description

Now more than ever it is important to uplift the transgender community. Positive stories abound in our community but very few people have heard this narrative. Too often, the stories about transgender people and families who are raising young transgender people are filled with obstacles, struggles, and depressive outlooks. Bombarded daily with news about transgender restrictions, government aggression, and social negativity, the transgender community is being purposely attacked. We can change this narrative and show the world that living and supporting those within our community is not only possible, but incredibly beautiful. This workshop will empower us all by sharing amazing history, facts, stories, science, and personal experiences from a positive viewpoint and teach attendees how to help themselves share and feel the same uplifting messages.

Conference Track

Primary Contact

Gearah Goldstein, The GenderCool Project / Founder

Workshop Presenters

Gearah Goldstein, The GenderCool Project
Presenter Bio

Gearah Goldstein is a nationally recognized LGBTQIA+ anti-bias trainer who is passionate about sharing her observations from navigating life while embracing a transgender reality. She has trained thousands of people and has been featured on NBC and CBS national news and other outlets. Gearah is often hired to train law enforcement, hospitals, government agencies, educators, businesses, and organizations. She also helps people learn to become powerful public speakers through her program, Impactful Public Speaking.

Jennifer Grosshandler, GenderCool
Presenter Bio

Inspired to help others tell their story, Jennifer Gordon is launching the GenderCool Project, an education/awareness campaign and storytelling digital platform to spotlight just how interesting the gender conversation truly is. Frequently asked to speak on this topic, Gordon is also on the front line of policy work for gender-inclusive schools in the state of Illinois. She is leading the charge in district 112, representing 4,000 students, in partnership with the administration and advocates to evolve gender- inclusive procedures for all students.
