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2013 Annual Conference

November 5–8, 2013

Lexington, KY

It is time to review the schedule for the placement of your session in the AAACE Agenda. This is the final draft of the Schedule. When you look up your name, use the detail listing to check what days/times you asked to be placed. This is a huge program and we can accommodate necessary changes in day and time now, but may not be able to do so after September 1, 2013 except in emergencies. Please carefully check your placement and send any requests to Ginger Phillips, AAACE Conference Planner with AAACE Session Change Request in the subject line. We will respond to your email, but it may take us up to a week to do so. Thanks for your help in "fine tuning" this agenda!

Microaggressions and the Disruption of the Online Sense of Presence

Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 3:30 PM–4:15 PM EST
Type of Presentation


Session Abstract

Microaggressions have adverse effects on campus climate. With increasing online classes, microaggressions exhibit themselves in the online environment. How do we recognize and address microaggressions and create inclusive environments?

Target Audience

This presentation focuses on creating an inclusive online learning environment. It will discuss the particular issue of microaggressions in the online environment and its impact on a learner’s sense of presence. In addition, it will present strategies to address some of these issues. Since this presentation deals broadly with the online environment, it will benefit a number of people.
Adult educators in the online environment, instructional designers, students in adult education, workplace trainers utilizing online training programs, adult educators who will be offering online programs, university, college, and organizational administrators will all find some aspect that is beneficial to them.

Learning Outcomes

In attending this session, learners will be introduced to the concept of microaggressions, and their negative consequences. Learners will be able to identify instances of microaggressions and how microaggressions are exhibited within the online environment. In addition, will understand how microaggressions can disrupt the sense of presence in the online environment. Finally, learners will explore how they can address microaggressions within the online environment, thus creating an inclusive online environment for learners.

Session Description

The sustainability of higher education increasingly depends upon how well institutions can embrace diversity both in students and faculty and create inclusive learning environments. Given that campuses are diversifying in demographics and moving into the online environment, it is important to study the existence of online microaggressions and the effects they have on learners and the campus racial climate at large.
While the online environment is characterized by distance, learners reported greater levels of connectedness and learning when they felt that the instructor was involved in their learning and creating an inclusive environment (Shea, Li, & Pickett, 2006). This session will consider how the sense of online presence is disrupted by the presence of microaggressions. In addition, for practitioners, the presentation will propose suggestions on how these microaggressions can be addressed in order to create inclusive online environments.

Efforts are made to try to schedule sessions on the day preferred by the Primary Presenter, though this cannot be guaranteed. Please check your preference.

No preference

Primary Presenter

Anita Samuel, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Work Title

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order.
