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2018 Annual Conference

du 2 au 5 October 2018

Myrtle Beach, SC

An Investigation of Technology Usage, Cybermobbullying, and Cybermobbullycide Among Students in Higher Education: An Overview

mercredi 3 octobre 2018 à 15:30–16:15 EDT
Atlantic 3
Type of Presentation Requested

Concurrent Session

Session Abstract

Cybermobbullying (a combination of cybermobbing and cyberbullying) has become a serious social issue due to the proliferation of digital communication technology and has shaped a new dynamic of bullying in cyberspaces. This study examined cybermobbullying in higher education to reveal its characteristics, prevalence, and impact including cybermobbullycide in higher education.

Primary Presenter

Mitsunori Misawa, Ph.D., The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order

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