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2018 Annual Conference

du 2 au 5 October 2018

Myrtle Beach, SC

Lifelong Learning: Challenges, Strategies, and Priorities

mercredi 3 octobre 2018 à 09:45–10:30 EDT
Atlantic 6
Type of Presentation Requested

Concurrent Session

Session Abstract

Help shape the future! COLLO is interviewing 30 + lifelong learning leaders to identify challenges in providing learning opportunities for adults, promising practices/ programs, and helpful policies. Preview findings, provide your perspective, help set priorities. Let us know how COLLO might help you provide opportunities and/or skills for lifelong learning.

Primary Presenter

Dr Linda E. Morris, Ed.D., Coalition of Lifelong Learning Organizations (COLLO)

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order

Clare D. Klunk, Ph.D., CDK Consulting
Marcie Boucouvalas, Ph.D., Virginia Tech/National Capital Region
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