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2018 Annual Conference

du 2 au 5 October 2018

Myrtle Beach, SC

Understanding the relationship between education, health behaviors, and economic status in Kasese District, Uganda.

jeudi 4 octobre 2018 à 16:45–17:30 EDT
Atlantic 4
Type of Presentation Requested

Concurrent Session

Session Abstract

This study draws upon social capital to understand strengths and challenges in villages in Western Uganda. A questionnaire was deployed in 440 households from 10 randomly selected villages. The study provides a contextual understanding of the relationship of educational levels to health behaviors, economic activity, and perceptions of gender.

Primary Presenter

Wendy M Green, Cleveland State University

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order

Richard Muhindo, ABD, Makerere University
Jonathan E. Messemer, Ed.D., Cleveland State University
Soson Jong, PhD
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