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2013 Annual Conference

November 5–8, 2013

Lexington, KY

It is time to review the schedule for the placement of your session in the AAACE Agenda. This is the final draft of the Schedule. When you look up your name, use the detail listing to check what days/times you asked to be placed. This is a huge program and we can accommodate necessary changes in day and time now, but may not be able to do so after September 1, 2013 except in emergencies. Please carefully check your placement and send any requests to Ginger Phillips, AAACE Conference Planner with AAACE Session Change Request in the subject line. We will respond to your email, but it may take us up to a week to do so. Thanks for your help in "fine tuning" this agenda!

New Partners: English Language Learners and Senior Center Participants Engaged in Service Learning

Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 8:00 AM–8:45 AM EST
Type of Presentation


Session Abstract

Service learning can position participants into “helpers” and “helped.” This presentation will explain how one ESL class and community senior center partners discovered a way of serving and learning together.

Target Audience

This presentation is aimed at ESL instructors interested in new service learning project ideas, educators working with senior citizens in communities with international students, and attendees hoping to see new perspectives in learning across generations.

Learning Outcomes

Attendees will learn how to prepare, support, and assess ESL students engaged in cross-generational service learning, help community partners engage in the process, and imagine new possibilities in their own service-learning contexts.

Session Description

This session will explore a case study from one ESL class and their partners at a community senior center, and their relationship throughout one semester. Ways to set up community service-learning relationships, practices that will help ESL students and community partners remain engaged in service learning, and future directions for mutually-beneficial service projects across generations will be discussed.

Efforts are made to try to schedule sessions on the day preferred by the Primary Presenter, though this cannot be guaranteed. Please check your preference.

No preference

Primary Presenter

Ruth Parrish Sauder, Intensive English Communication Program, Pennsylvania State University
Work Title

ESL Lecturer

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order.
