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2018 Annual Conference

du 2 au 5 October 2018

Myrtle Beach, SC

Using multilevel modeling in SPSS to research nested data structures in adult education policy and practice

jeudi 4 octobre 2018 à 09:45–10:30 EDT
Tides 1
Type of Presentation Requested

Concurrent Session

Session Abstract

Quantitative research on adult education policy and practice often involves nested data structures. These occur when each observation is a member of some group, and being in a group affects the outcome of interest. This workshop covers how to perform multilevel modeling analyses in SPSS to answer research questions for nested data.

Primary Presenter

Kevin M Roessger, Ph.D., University of Arkansas

Additional Presenters: Enters In Order

Daniel Parker, University of Arkansas Fayetteville
James Weese, University of Arkansas
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