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2018 Gender Odyssey

del 21 al 24 de June del 2018

Los Angeles, California

Atten-Hut! Understanding the Military as a Culture to Improve Care for Transgender Veterans and Service Personnel

sábado, el 11 de agosto de 2018 a las 08:00–09:20 PDT
Rm 614
Workshop Description

Transgender patriots have served since the revolution. There are approximately 134,000 transgender veterans and thousands more currently serving. While transgender personnel serve authentically and receive medically necessary care from the military today, that policy is under attack.
Many providers have little understanding of military culture. This impairs the ability of transgender veterans and service personnel to receive holistic, culturally competent care. To improve care, providers must see the military as a distinct culture with its own structures, norms, and rituals. Providers must also appreciate the intersectionality between gender identity and military identity - which, for some, are at odds, negatively affecting health.
This presentation provides information about the history of transgender military service, the culture of the military, and the affects these can have on health. Through lecture and small group discussion, the workshop will explore military culture to help multi-disciplinary providers improve their care for this military population.

Conference Track


Primary Contact

Ms. Paula M. Neira, JD, RN, Clinical Program Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Transgender Health

Workshop Presenters

Ms. Paula M. Neira, JD, RN, Johns Hopkins Center for Transgender Health
Presenter Bio

Paula M. Neira, JD, RN is a Naval Academy graduate and former naval officer. A nurse for over two decades, she served as the co-chair of the Johns Hopkins Transgender Medicine Executive Taskforce. In November 2016, she became the Clinical Program Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Transgender Health. A lawyer, Paula was a leader in the repeal of DADT and is one of the nation’s leading experts on transgender military service.
