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2018 Gender Odyssey

du 21 au 24 June 2018

Los Angeles, California

Revolutionizing the Multidisciplinary Response to LGTBQ Survivors of Sexual Assault

samedi 11 août 2018 à 09:30–10:50 PDT
Rm 606
Workshop Description

Sexual violence impacts the LGBTQ community at rates, in most cases, higher than the cisgender, heterosexual population. However, existing programming models, interventions, and best practices for sexual assault center the cisgender female survivor. Existing programs often lack an intersectional lens and LGBTQ competencies resulting in inadequate services for queer communities. This presentation will review the development of the first holistic, LGBTQ-specific sexual assault response program in the nation: in.power. Best practices in program development for queer populations will be coupled with actionable ways to translate in.power* programming into your organization in meaningful, intersectional ways.

Conference Track


Primary Contact

Baker-Braxton, Howard Brown Health Center

Workshop Presenters

Dr. Paige Leigh Baker-Braxton, Psy.D., Howard Brown Health Center
Presenter Bio

Dr. Paige Leigh Baker attended Georgetown University receiving undergraduate degrees in psychology and gender studies. She pursued both a Master of Science and Doctorate in multicultural Clinical Psychology from Nova Southeastern. She trained as a Psychology Fellow in one of 10 national sites specializing in LGBT mental health within the Veterans Administration. With over 8 years’ experience working in the LGBT community, Dr. Baker has brought her expertise to Howard Brown Health to spearhead the development, implementation, and evaluation of the first holistic LGBTQ-specific sexual assault response program in the nation.

Nadia Valdez, Howard Brown Health
Presenter Bio

Nadia Valdez is an openly queer transgender woman of color with four+ years of experience working for the LGBT community and six years in nonprofit agencies. As a survivor of multiple assaults herself, she identifies strong similarities with patients’ stories and barriers in seeking help. In her youth she was very active in the LGBT nightlife scene and witnessed first-hand the rape culture that took advantage of vulnerable teens and their struggle to find support. Nadia Valdez is committed to being a pillar of support for patients and a driving force in the growth of Howard Brown’s in.power* program.

Tevin Giles, Howard Brown Health
Presenter Bio

Through years of organizing and nonprofit work in the LGBTQ community, Tevin Giles recognized the need for holistic, intersectional programs that center the most marginalized. This commitment led Tevin to coordinate transformative programs for LGBTQ youth, train educators and healthcare providers, organize against racism, push for diversity and inclusion in nonprofits and education, and speak before an array of audiences on systematic oppression. These experiences led Tevin to join Howard Brown as in.power* case manager.

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