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Seventh International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education

February 6–9, 2019

The Westin Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA

Collective Efficacy in Immersion Schools; The Holy Grail of School Improvement

Saturday, February 9, 2019 at 10:00 AM–11:00 AM EST
Uptown II (180)

Strand V: Teachers, Administrators, Preparation and Professional Learning

Immersion/Partner Language(s)

Portuguese (L1) and English (L2). Relates to any language(s)



Program Summary/Abstract Description

This Socratic session explores how Dr. John Hattie’s comprehensive research on the efficacy of commonly accepted teaching strategies might not only challenge our personal beliefs as teachers but also become the catalyst for positive change in immersion contexts.  Hattie's meta-analysis is the largest ever look into what works with improving student learning.

According to Hattie, "collective efficacy" refers to educators who believe that there is no hurdle too big in student achievement that cannot be solved by working collaboratively.  Furthermore, he contends that collective efficacy yields almost 4 years student growth over 1 year’s time.

Format, we will . . .

  1. Explore some of Hattie's meta-analysis to identify high-yield strategies that accelerate student growth;

  2. Compare Hattie’s research to our personal dual language immersion high-yield L2 teaching practices;

  3. Engage in a Socratic Circle discussion to determine how we might foster collective efficacy in our own school buildings.

Lead Presenter

Mr Lyle French, M.Ed, BA, Rhyzos Education

Head of School

