Learn-It, Prove-It, Extend-It: An Immersion Specific Differentiation Model
Strand I: Pedagogy & Assessment
Immersion/Partner Language(s)
Not language specific
Elementary (K-5)
Program Summary/Abstract Description
The Learn-It, Prove-It, Extend-It model grew out of a collaborative effort to translate local and state mandates designed for the non-immersion world to work within one-way foreign language and two-way immersion programs. This model leverages self-regulation and metacognition and the growing trend in education for differentiation and personalization of learning. Focus on scaffolded student-choice of learning goals, student motivation and engagement, multi-level access to content standards, and language growth drive the development of each learning phase.
The model consists of a mini-lesson followed by three phases: Learn-It, Prove-It, & Extend-It. The Learn-It phase, provides students a menu of standards-based activities. The Prove-It phase, revolves around a performance-based assessment aligned with district common assessments. The Extend-It Phase leads to peer mentoring or connecting with old learning.
Lead Presenter
Liz Lawrence-Baez, MAT, Dual Language and Immersion Education Certificate , Lexington School District One
German Immersion Teacher
Charli Kinard, MA, Richland School District Two
Two-Way Spanish Immersion Teacher