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2019 Conference

du 21 au 23 May 2019

Westin Arlington Gateway, Arlington, VA, USA

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202 Are Employees More Satisfied with Defined Contribution Plans

mercredi 22 mai 2019 à 17:15–18:15 EDT
Prefunction ACD
Key Words

Defined Benefit, Defined Contribution, Satisfaction, Regret, Financial Planner

Short Description

Most private sector employees have access to defined contribution retirement plans only while some public sector employees have a choice between defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) plans. This research utilized a 2016 survey of university faculty to determine if the employee’s choice of plan, use of a financial planner, and financial knowledge influences the individual’s level of satisfaction and regret associated with the plan choice. Meeting with a financial planner was positively associated with overall satisfaction while financial knowledge did not have a significant impact on most aspects of satisfaction or regret associated with the retirement plan. However, those who chose a DB plan were more satisfied with their retirement plans than those who chose a DC plan.

First & Corresponding Author

Michael Ryan, University of Georgia
Authors in the order to be printed

Michael Ryan, Brenda Cude

Additional Authors

Brenda Cude, University of Georgia
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